DE - Guidance provided on short-term rental tax
Delaware provided guidance for the new lodging tax on businesses or individuals who facilitate or arrange short-term rentals through a website or other method. The tax applies to rental agreements sig...
DC - Filing season begins
The District of Columbia has begun accepting and processing individual income tax returns for tax year 2024. The District income tax rate schedule remains the same as previous years with standard dedu...
IL - Tax relief announced for wildfire victims
Illinois announced income tax return filing and payment relief for individuals and businesses impacted by the California wildfires that began on January 7, 2025. The state is postponing or extending d...
MA - Charitable contribution deduction rule updated
Massachusetts has updated the rule on charitable contribution deductions for income taxes. The rule explains the deduction allowed for certain charitable contributions against Part B adjusted gross in...
MT - Governor calls for tax reform
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte gave his third State of the State address, highlighting his priorities for the 2025 legislative session. In addition to areas such as education, housing, and energy, the Go...
NJ - Governor supports farmland assessment reform
In his State of the State Address New Jersey's governor discussed, among other topics, reforming the state's farmland assessment tax system to ensure that the wealthiest New Jerseyans pay their fair s...
PA - Property tax rebate program now open
The Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) program is now accepting applications from eligible Pennsylvania seniors and residents with disabilities. The program's income limits have increased ag...
SC - Local rate changes and extensions announced
South Carolina announced that the following counties have new 1% local sales and use taxes scheduled to begin in 2025: Chesterfield County Education Capital Improvement Tax, effective March 1, 2025; G...