AZ - Local rate change announced
The Arizona Department of Revenue has announced a new local transaction privilege tax (TPT) rate change.PrescottThe City of Prescott has adopted a transaction privilege tax of 0.95% from April 1, 2025...
DE - Guidance provided on short-term rental tax
Delaware provided guidance for the new lodging tax on businesses or individuals who facilitate or arrange short-term rentals through a website or other method. The tax applies to rental agreements sig...
GA - Governor proposes tax rate cut
In his State of the State Address, Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp proposed an income tax rate cut to 5.19%. The rate is currently 5.39%. State of the State Address, Governor Brian P. Kemp, January 16, 20...
IL - Private party vehicle use tax chart updated
Illinois updated a chart for the 2025 calendar year that shows the tax on private sales or transfers of motor vehicles. Motor vehicles acquired by gift, transfer, or purchase from an individual or pri...
MA - Charitable contribution deduction rule updated
Massachusetts has updated the rule on charitable contribution deductions for income taxes. The rule explains the deduction allowed for certain charitable contributions against Part B adjusted gross in...
MT - Governor calls for tax reform
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte gave his third State of the State address, highlighting his priorities for the 2025 legislative session. In addition to areas such as education, housing, and energy, the Go...
NJ - Governor supports farmland assessment reform
In his State of the State Address New Jersey's governor discussed, among other topics, reforming the state's farmland assessment tax system to ensure that the wealthiest New Jerseyans pay their fair s...
PA - Appeals process revision discussed
Pennsylvania's most recent tax update discusses recent changes to the appeals process. An update in tax law has changed the appeal time frame for all personal income tax, employer withholding, and pas...